The Best Video I have Ever Released

Tuesday, February 13th
Today's top marketing tips, tactics, & tools

Hey there!

Today’s Disrupter Dispatch is a bit different. We're featuring what I confidently believe is the best video we've ever released. Earning My First Million: Strategies, Team Insights, and Essential Tools is not just a video; it's a milestone, a masterclass, and a manifesto rolled into one. I'm beyond excited for you to dive into this game-changing content. It's packed with insights, strategies, and real-world wisdom that have the power to transform your approach to business and success.

After that quick watch, we’re going to be Exploring the Elements of a Successful Ad Campaign together, this lesson is crucial to your success as an online marketer… don’t miss out!!!

Also make sure to check out our AI Tool of the Week, where I feature a new Secret Weapon from my DTC Toolbox with you!

So… grab some popcorn, sit back, and LET’S GO!

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Earning My First Million: Strategies, Team Insights, and Essential Tools

👑 Understanding the Fundamentals of Building a Successful Ad Campaign

Exploring the Key Elements of a 3-2-2 Ad Build

When it comes to creating and optimizing Facebook ads, understanding the process of dynamic creative testing can significantly impact the success of your campaigns. Dynamic creative testing involves testing variations of ad creative elements to determine the most effective combinations for reaching your advertising goals. This process allows you to see exactly what your ads will look like and helps you optimize your ad sets from the ground up.

Here’s what we’re going to cover today:

1. Overview of a 3-2-2 Ad Build
2. Detailed Campaign Set-Up
3. Dynamic Creative Testing
4. Strategy for Creative Testing
5. Custom Conversion Event Implementation
6. Conclusion and Outlook

Overview of a 3-2-2 Ad Build

In the realm of digital advertising, the 3-2-2 ad build holds significance in crafting successful campaigns. This structure consists of three creatives, two primary texts, and two headlines. It aims to provide clear visibility into the components of an ad and their individual functionalities.

Detailed Campaign Set-Up

The process of setting up a new campaign was discussed, particularly in the context of promoting an MBA program. Several key aspects were highlighted, including the campaign type, budgeting, conversion event selection, and targeting parameters. The importance of aligning the ad set name with the ad itself for ease of reporting was emphasized.

Dynamic Creative Testing

The concept of dynamic creative testing was explained, stressing the significance of testing one variable at a time. The speaker touched on the practice of isolating variables such as creative, copy, and headlines within dynamic creative tests to gauge their impact on ad performance.

Strategy for Creative Testing

The strategy for testing creatives was covered, with an emphasis on exploring various creative iterations to identify the most effective approach. The speaker discussed the process of testing new concepts alongside established elements to continuously refine ad content for optimal results.

Custom Conversion Event Implementation

The importance of custom conversion events in optimizing ad campaigns was discussed. A specific example of creating a custom event for an MBA application was shared, emphasizing the role of advanced matching and the benefits of setting up custom events based on specific page interactions.

Conclusion and Outlook

In conclusion, the discussion provided valuable insights into the fundamental components of ad campaign construction. The need for meticulous testing, optimization, and leveraging custom events for precise tracking and targeting was underscored. The focus on continuous refinement and strategic testing emerged as a crucial aspect of achieving advertising success.

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 🛠️ AI TOOL OF THE WEEK : OpusPro🛠️

Short-form content is the game-changer for brands today. offers an AI-powered video repurposing tool, OpusClip, which turns long videos into short, viral clips. It's designed for creators and marketers, supporting over 20 languages and various video platforms like YouTube and Zoom. The tool analyzes videos to identify compelling moments, rearranges them into short videos, and enhances them with dynamic layouts and caption animations. It's particularly useful for creating content from video podcasts, educational materials, and product reviews.

At Disrupter School, the use of OpusClip has revolutionized our video production process, enabling us to achieve greater success with less stress. Here's how:

  • Efficient Content Creation: We produce 100 videos a week by repurposing existing interviews, tutorials, Looms, recorded Zoom calls, and testimonials.

  • Enhanced Organic Content: The tool allows for the creation of engaging organic content that resonates with our audience.

  • Creative Editing for Advertisements: Using existing videos, we develop innovative ads, maximizing our resources and creative output.

  • Stress Reduction: The automated process reduces the workload and stress associated with video editing, allowing us to focus on other crucial aspects of our work.

    If you want to check out Opus: CLICK HERE 

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Until Next Time, I’ll See You On The Internet
~ Charley T, Founder of Disrupter School

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